Muscle Building Programs


The Best Muscle Building Program?

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Fast Gains Are Possible With the Best Muscle Building Programs

From my many years spent in the gym I generally find most people fall into 2 groups when it comes to muscle building:

There are the muscular types that are strict in their workouts, train very hard, and regularly review and change their bodybuilding workouts.

The other type of bodybuilders are the ones that don’t seem to change in physical appearance, you see them doing the same workouts every week and lifting the same amount of weight each time.

The type that doesn't make decent muscle gains will probably tell you that they workout extremely hard, but just weren’t built for gaining muscle mass like the muscular group.

Well this really frustrates me! While genetics do play a role in the speed and amount of muscle you can gain, that does not mean that if you are skinny you can’t build a fantastic looking muscular body.

I started off my first muscle building programs as a 147 pound skinny guy. Over a year and a half I trained 4 times a week for at least 2 hours a session and was really puzzled why I only gained a few pounds of muscle.

Why wasn’t I seeing results? Well, after getting some advice from a bodybuilding expert I was told I was doing workouts only suitable for fat burning. Only once I’d completely re-planned my muscle building programs did I start to see fast gains in muscle and strength.

My new muscle building programs allowed me to gain noticeable mass and strength gains every single month, until a few years later I’d passed 190 lbs.

If you are doing the following in your muscle building programs then you are seriously slowing down your muscle gains:

- Spend far too long doing your workouts.
- Not applying any variation to your workout routines.
- Going through the motions and not pushing hard enough every workout session.
- You follow a poor diet and nutritional plan.

Stop your current muscle building program if it isn't working!
You should be following a bodybuilding program that is completely customizable for your individual goals and body type. There is absolutely no point in following a professional's body building program from muscle mags unless of course you are a professional body builder.

For example, weight training intensely for 30-45 minutes and 3 days a week works wonders for me. I change my routine every 8 weeks and then do a completely new muscle building program.

Try not to copy the bodybuilding routines you see in the various body building magazines, as these are most probably unsuitable for you.

There are a few online muscle building programs that teach you exactly how to build muscle fast based on personalized routines built around your goals.

The best muscle building programs provide you with a huge library of content, including online DVDs, books, workout plans, diet plans, training logs, and even one-to-one support by the author.